
Every vampire's Power is unique to that vampire. The act of turning a human into a vampire unleashes a chain reaction in which the newly-turned vampire's former human potential, their blood, their DNA, and their very mindset mingles with the vampiric magic coursing through them and transforming them into something new, and the end result cannot be predicted.
Even vampires who seem to have the same Power always differ in the details of that Power's function.
The Powers on this page are not a definitive list. Powers may exist which are not listed below.
Mind Control
Animal Control
Superhuman Speed
Transmute Self

Werewolves are reasonably static creatures. There is no variance in supernatural powers from one to the next, nor can they learn new abilities. Every werewolf has the same inherent abilities, and every werewolf has inherited their werewolf DNA from an ancestor, no matter how distant.
Werewolves are capable of interbreeding with humanity, and there is no guarantee that their offspring will be a werewolf. Over time this has led to a dissipation of werewolf DNA among the human population, so it's entirely possible for two human parents to produce a werewolf child. Such children are often left to cope alone when they first change into their war shape as a teenager, and werewolves with no pack and no alpha cannot control themselves around a full moon.
The werewolf has access to three shapes: human, wolf, and the monstrous shape they call their war form. Their regenerative powers are prodigious, and their senses in wolf and war forms are heightened - particularly smell and hearing. Most animals recognise a werewolf as an apex predator regardless of what form they are in.

Magic is an incredibly flexible talent which gives the wielder power to reshape reality at will yet remains largely undetectable by the majority of people. Only those who can use magic are able to see or sense its presence.
The universe decides, according to esoteric rules known only to itself, which souls are born with the innate ability to dictate reality. It is possible for a practitioner to bestow the power onto another, but only at dire cost to both practitioner and recipient.
Magicians tend to favour a magical style which best fits their personalities and worldviews, but no spell is beyond the ability of any caster.
Sorcery is a mathematically-focused doctrine, almost a science in and of itself, and its practitioners tend to be logically-minded. Sorcerers see no reason to cajole the universe, as it is not a sentient thing, but nor do they see any purpose in brute force.
The warlock has no use for faith or science. This is a doctrine based purely on will, and the warlock sees their will as dominant to the will of nature and the universe. If the world must bend to accommodate the warlock, it will. And if it must break... Well, so long as the warlock's ends are met, that's what counts.
Faith-based magical doctrine in which respect for nature and the Old Ways are paramount. Witchcraft does not make demands on the universe. Instead it beseeches, and strives to do as little damage as possible - to the universe, that is. Woe betide anyone who underestimates a witch's ability to do harm if necessary.

Gifts, Talents, Psychic abilities... Whatever name they're given, Gifts have a strict hierarchy. While it's rare for a psychic to possess multiple gifts from the same group, it's rarer still for the psychic to branch across multiple groups, and usually only the descendants of gods or spirits exhibit such flexibility.
Gifts are a genetic inheritance, passed down from either parent, and may be either dominant or recessive dependant on the individual strain.
The gifts and groups on this page are not a definitive list. Gifts may exist which are not listed below.
Mind Control
Aura Reading
Animal Control
Energy Transference
Ghost Sight